ForceSwitch Mac OS

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  1. Force Switch Mac Os X
  2. Force Switch Mac Os Download
  3. Force Switch Mac Os Catalina

Please take note of the information in our Pre-Install Best Practice (PBP) guide, thoughnot strictly required it may help in avoiding problems encountered duringinstall.

The PowerShell script sample is using regex to verify that Mac Address as well as the computer name. Besides creating the object if it does not exist (or you can use the –Force switch to override) it also adds a database role to the computer. If your Mac is using an earlier version of any Mac operating system, you should install the latest Apple software updates, which can include important security updates and updates for the apps that are installed by macOS, such as Safari, Books, Messages, Mail, Music, Calendar, and Photos.

Minimum system requirements¶

Kalvgvs plight mac os. Install FreeSWITCH™ from the latest public release or master/development source on macOS 11 Big Sur, 10.15 Catalina, and 10.14 Mojave. Start FreeSWITCH™ for testing. Update prerequisites and FreeSWITCH™. Remove parts or all of the installation. On a Mac without an eject key (like the MacBook Air or the MacBook Pro from 2012 forward), you can force your computer to shut down at any point by pushing Command + Control + Option + Power button. You can find the Power button on the top right corner of the keyboard or Touch Bar. The macOS FreeSWITCH™ Installer is the recommended method because it automates all of the manual steps, providing much simpler and faster installation. Other advantages include renaming existing FreeSWITCH™ directories before installation, and creating installation logs.

Rockstor is a complete Linux distribution (iso) to be installed directly onhardware or as a VM with the following minimum system requirements andrecommendations.

  • 64-bit Intel or AMD processor (2+ cores recommended).

  • 2GB RAM (4GB+ recommended).

  • 8GB drive for Rockstor; if USB key use only fast variants (16GB+ SSD recommended).

  • One or more additional drives for data use only (less than 1GB ignored, 5GB+ recommended).

  • Ethernet interface (with internet access for updates).

  • Remember, lights out mac os. All drives must have unique serial numbers (real drives do); not all VM * systems default to this.

  • A UPS (recommended) that is supported by NUT.

  • USB port and 1GB+ USB key for the installation media; or DVD drive and a blank DVD.


For VMware ensure you have disk.EnableUUID='true' in your .vmx file

Download Rockstor¶

Rockstor download options. Create abootable CD or USB drive from the downloaded iso and proceed to theInstallation section.

For convenience, you can also purchase a USB install disk from our shop.Thanks for your support!

Making a Rockstor USB install disk¶

The downloaded iso must first be restored to a physical device to create theinstall media for a physical machine install. Depending on you desktop/laptopOS(Linux, Windows or Mac), there are GUI as well as Command Line programs usingwhich the install disk can be created.

GUI options¶

On a Linux Unity or Gnome Desktop see our Rockstor USB install disk using Gnome Disks.

On a Windows Desktop consider usingRawrite32.

Please note the following USB image writing programs have been found toproduce NON working USB install disks when used with the Rockstor iso andtheir default settings.

  • Unetbootin

  • Rufus (N.B. does work in DD image mode, see our Rockstor USB install disk using Rufus)

Please also see the Install Rockstor from USB flash drive and the Boot order changes sectionsof the Small Office Fileserver with Rockstor document for more information on making and using theUSB install disk.

Command line options¶


To create a USB install disk on Linux or Mac one can use the dd command. Forexample if your USB device is /dev/sdc then from within the directorycontaining your downloaded Rockstor iso file the command would be:-

Note that the .iso file name will vary depending on the Rockstor version.

Another option on linux systems is the ddrescue command which givesmore reassuring feedback whilst the USB key is being written. On Debian andUbuntu systems install via sudo apt-get install gddrescue and on Fedorasystems install via sudo dnf install ddrescue. Use similarly to dd aboveonly using the following command:-

Force Switch Mac Os X

sudo ddrescue -d -D –force Rockstor-3.8-9.iso /dev/sdc

Note that there are 2 '-' characters next to each other before the 'force'switch.

Mac OS X¶

For Mac OS X (tested on El Capitan). You can also use dd and the diskutilprogram to create the USB stick.

Insert the USB stick and open a terminal window (Open LaunchPad and type terminaland click on the icon). Determine the device name below, make sure you specifythe USB stick and not your OS X disk. If you are unsure which is which, don'tgo any further.

Under the IDENTIFIER column, you should see a disk# (you may see a disk#s# butjust note the disk# since we need to format the whole USB Stick). Unmount and burnthe Rockstor ISO to the USB drive using the following commands, replacing disk# withyour IDENTIFIER name (this will DESTROY all data on the USB drive).

diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk#sudo dd if=~/Downloads/Rockstor-3.8.14.iso of=/dev/rdisk# bs=1m

Note the ‘r' is placed in front of the disk# and ‘bs=1m' is for blocksize. There isno progress bar, you will return to the command prompt once the command finishes. Oncethat happens, eject the disk and you are done.


There is also dd for Windows but this isuntested, please see our GUI options.


Installing Rockstor is quick and straight forward.

See YouTube How to install Rockstor 3.8-7.

Since Rockstor is basedon CentOS and uses the same anaconda installer the installation looks similarto that of CentOS or Fedora. You can also readThe Rockstor Install section of our Rockstor in Virtual Machine Manager guide for more informationabout installation.

Important! Installing Rockstor deletes existing data on the systemdrive(s) selected as installation destination.
If you need further assistance during or post install, youcan post a topic on our Forum or send an email to
  1. Boot your machine with the Rockstor CD or USB and the splash screen willappear. Press enter and the graphical installer will start momentarily anddisplay the Installation Summary screen

  2. Installation Summary screen

    On this screen, multiple parameters can be configured together.

    1. Click on the Date & Time to change the default timezone.

    2. A network connection is required and the installation will not proceedotherwise. The default is DHCP which the installer automatically picksup. You can configure the network manually, but make sure your system hasa working ip address for the installation to proceed.

    3. Under the Installation Destination there may be further actionrequired if there are partitions on sda. By default the sda hard drive isselected and set to be auto partitioned but only if blank. If not then anexclamation icon indicates the need for attention. Please see ourWiping the system disk for more details.

      For the default automatic partitioning, just click DONE.

      If you are an advanced user, you can go with a custom partitioningscheme. However, note that Rockstor only supports BTRFS for its rootfilesystem.

    Important! Installing Rockstor deletes existing data on the systemdrive(s) selected as installation destination.
    1. Once the installation configuration is complete and there are no ambericons, click on Begin Installation button to start the packageinstallation.

  3. Cool casino names. Package Installation

    On the next screen, package installation begins in the background and youmust set the root password. You can optionally create an additionaluser.

  4. Boot into Rockstor

    Package installation takes a few minutes and once it's complete you canreboot, remove the install cd and boot into Rockstor. Once the system bootsup, the url for web-ui is displayed above the login prompt. The url issimply https://.

  5. Setup Rockstor

    Go to Rockstor's web-ui from your web browser and complete the initial setup.

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This page describes automated installation using the macOS FreeSWITCH™ Installer (macFI). It is part of the FreeSWITCH™ macOS documentation.

What Can the macOS FreeSWITCH™ Installer (macFI) do?

  • Install FreeSWITCH™ from the latest public release or master/development source on macOS 11 Big Sur, 10.15 Catalina, and 10.14 Mojave.
  • Start FreeSWITCH™ for testing.
  • Update prerequisites and FreeSWITCH™.
  • Remove parts or all of the installation.
  • Show and hide macOS invisible files.
  • Open wiki pages,

Why Use the macOS FreeSWITCH™ Installer?

There are lot's of advantages to using the macFI as seen below. The primary ones are:

  • It eliminates the need to use Terminal commands and guides people through the whole process.
  • It determines if steps were previously accomplished and performs only what's needed.
  • It creates a folder of log files so it's easy to check for problems.
  • It saves a lot of time during initial installation, updates and testing. In fact, this wiki takes a lot of testing to update, I developed this so I could click a couple of times then walk away!

What Steps are Performed?

The installer performs identical steps as described in Manual Installation. You can review the manual instructions before using the macFI to view most of the commands the macFI will execute.

Here is the sequence of functions performed:

  1. Determines if it can run on the macOS release.
  2. Locates and determines the latest public version of FreeSWITCH™ source.
  3. Asks what function is desired, install, test or remove.
  4. For installation, what version to download.
  5. Checks for presence of Command Line Utilities.
  6. Checks if hidden files are visible.
  7. Checks if the required directories exists.
  8. Checks if the install directory has the correct ownership.
  9. Checks for presence of Homebrew.
  10. Checks for presence of prerequisites supplied by Homebrew.
  11. Checks for presence of previous FreeSWITCH™ source and runtime libraries.
  12. Produces a list of actions to take and requests verification to proceed.
  13. If required, makes hidden files visible.
  14. If required, creates directories exists.
  15. If required, changes the ownership of the install directory.
  16. If required, downloads and installs Homebrew.
  17. If required, updates prerequisites supplied by Homebrew.
  18. If required, downloads and installs prerequisites supplied by Homebrew.
  19. If required, renames previous FreeSWITCH™ source and runtime libraries to prevent changes.
  20. Performs git clone of FreeSWITCH™.
  21. Performs bootstrap and configure.
  22. Adds FLITE to modules.conf.
  23. Performs make, make install, make install sounds, and make clean.
  24. Prompts for testing selection.
  25. If testing, opens web pages to FreeSWITCH™ information and displays IP address and port for phone configuration.
  26. If testing, launches FreeSWITCH™ to test.


Still not convinced to use the macFI? Here is a bonus: Output from most terminal commands are separated and placed into a folder created on the desktop using a date and time stamp. Each of the following commands are logged:

  • Install or update Homebrew
  • Install and/or update prerequisites
  • Download and install FreeSWITCH™ source
  • bootstrap command
  • configure command
  • make command
  • make install command
  • make install sounds command
  • make clean


All of the software this procedure installs can be removed easily. However, to restore to a point where nothing was changed a backup is required.

Set Terminal Application Screen Size

macFI uses the macOS Terminal application extensively during installation. The default screen size is very small so it's recommended to increase it for readability by:

  1. Start the Terminal application in the Applications -> Utilities folder by double-clicking on it. Then open its preferences panel.
  2. In Settings–>Profiles–>Window change the Window Size to larger values such as 140x48 to reduce having to resize the window often.

If you plan to start FreeSWITCH™ from the Terminal command line often then you should place the Terminal application into the Dock for quick access.

Download and Install the macOS FreeSWITCH™ Installer It's incredibly easy to install, just follow this single step:

  1. Click on this link: macOS FreeSWITCH™ Installer, macOS will automatically download and unzip the file.

Running the macOS FreeSWITCH™ Installer

One-Time macOS Security Setting

The first time macFI is launched, macOS security settings must be added. After the first attempt to run, go to System Preferences Security and General settings, click allow macFI to run. Slot machine tricks. Restart macFI, additional System Preferences Security and Privacy settings are required as follows:

On macOS 10.14 Mojave and later: Under 'Privacy' click Accessibility and set the MacFI on. Additional one-time authorization prompts are required.

Prior to Mohave: Open System Preferences –> Security & Privacy and under General set to allow macFI to run after the first time it's launched.

You should not perform other functions while the installer is running, although the macFI will run correctly, the Terminal window may not display as intended.
You can rerun the installer anytime, even it it was stopped or failed. It will determine what is already installed.

Double-click the installer to start it. Just follow the prompts and answer a few questions!

Where to go Next

Force Switch Mac Os Download


To create a USB install disk on Linux or Mac one can use the dd command. Forexample if your USB device is /dev/sdc then from within the directorycontaining your downloaded Rockstor iso file the command would be:-

Note that the .iso file name will vary depending on the Rockstor version.

Another option on linux systems is the ddrescue command which givesmore reassuring feedback whilst the USB key is being written. On Debian andUbuntu systems install via sudo apt-get install gddrescue and on Fedorasystems install via sudo dnf install ddrescue. Use similarly to dd aboveonly using the following command:-

Force Switch Mac Os X

sudo ddrescue -d -D –force Rockstor-3.8-9.iso /dev/sdc

Note that there are 2 '-' characters next to each other before the 'force'switch.

Mac OS X¶

For Mac OS X (tested on El Capitan). You can also use dd and the diskutilprogram to create the USB stick.

Insert the USB stick and open a terminal window (Open LaunchPad and type terminaland click on the icon). Determine the device name below, make sure you specifythe USB stick and not your OS X disk. If you are unsure which is which, don'tgo any further.

Under the IDENTIFIER column, you should see a disk# (you may see a disk#s# butjust note the disk# since we need to format the whole USB Stick). Unmount and burnthe Rockstor ISO to the USB drive using the following commands, replacing disk# withyour IDENTIFIER name (this will DESTROY all data on the USB drive).

diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk#sudo dd if=~/Downloads/Rockstor-3.8.14.iso of=/dev/rdisk# bs=1m

Note the ‘r' is placed in front of the disk# and ‘bs=1m' is for blocksize. There isno progress bar, you will return to the command prompt once the command finishes. Oncethat happens, eject the disk and you are done.


There is also dd for Windows but this isuntested, please see our GUI options.


Installing Rockstor is quick and straight forward.

See YouTube How to install Rockstor 3.8-7.

Since Rockstor is basedon CentOS and uses the same anaconda installer the installation looks similarto that of CentOS or Fedora. You can also readThe Rockstor Install section of our Rockstor in Virtual Machine Manager guide for more informationabout installation.

Important! Installing Rockstor deletes existing data on the systemdrive(s) selected as installation destination.
If you need further assistance during or post install, youcan post a topic on our Forum or send an email to
  1. Boot your machine with the Rockstor CD or USB and the splash screen willappear. Press enter and the graphical installer will start momentarily anddisplay the Installation Summary screen

  2. Installation Summary screen

    On this screen, multiple parameters can be configured together.

    1. Click on the Date & Time to change the default timezone.

    2. A network connection is required and the installation will not proceedotherwise. The default is DHCP which the installer automatically picksup. You can configure the network manually, but make sure your system hasa working ip address for the installation to proceed.

    3. Under the Installation Destination there may be further actionrequired if there are partitions on sda. By default the sda hard drive isselected and set to be auto partitioned but only if blank. If not then anexclamation icon indicates the need for attention. Please see ourWiping the system disk for more details.

      For the default automatic partitioning, just click DONE.

      If you are an advanced user, you can go with a custom partitioningscheme. However, note that Rockstor only supports BTRFS for its rootfilesystem.

    Important! Installing Rockstor deletes existing data on the systemdrive(s) selected as installation destination.
    1. Once the installation configuration is complete and there are no ambericons, click on Begin Installation button to start the packageinstallation.

  3. Cool casino names. Package Installation

    On the next screen, package installation begins in the background and youmust set the root password. You can optionally create an additionaluser.

  4. Boot into Rockstor

    Package installation takes a few minutes and once it's complete you canreboot, remove the install cd and boot into Rockstor. Once the system bootsup, the url for web-ui is displayed above the login prompt. The url issimply https://.

  5. Setup Rockstor

    Go to Rockstor's web-ui from your web browser and complete the initial setup.

Skip to end of metadataGo to start of metadata

This page describes automated installation using the macOS FreeSWITCH™ Installer (macFI). It is part of the FreeSWITCH™ macOS documentation.

What Can the macOS FreeSWITCH™ Installer (macFI) do?

  • Install FreeSWITCH™ from the latest public release or master/development source on macOS 11 Big Sur, 10.15 Catalina, and 10.14 Mojave.
  • Start FreeSWITCH™ for testing.
  • Update prerequisites and FreeSWITCH™.
  • Remove parts or all of the installation.
  • Show and hide macOS invisible files.
  • Open wiki pages,

Why Use the macOS FreeSWITCH™ Installer?

There are lot's of advantages to using the macFI as seen below. The primary ones are:

  • It eliminates the need to use Terminal commands and guides people through the whole process.
  • It determines if steps were previously accomplished and performs only what's needed.
  • It creates a folder of log files so it's easy to check for problems.
  • It saves a lot of time during initial installation, updates and testing. In fact, this wiki takes a lot of testing to update, I developed this so I could click a couple of times then walk away!

What Steps are Performed?

The installer performs identical steps as described in Manual Installation. You can review the manual instructions before using the macFI to view most of the commands the macFI will execute.

Here is the sequence of functions performed:

  1. Determines if it can run on the macOS release.
  2. Locates and determines the latest public version of FreeSWITCH™ source.
  3. Asks what function is desired, install, test or remove.
  4. For installation, what version to download.
  5. Checks for presence of Command Line Utilities.
  6. Checks if hidden files are visible.
  7. Checks if the required directories exists.
  8. Checks if the install directory has the correct ownership.
  9. Checks for presence of Homebrew.
  10. Checks for presence of prerequisites supplied by Homebrew.
  11. Checks for presence of previous FreeSWITCH™ source and runtime libraries.
  12. Produces a list of actions to take and requests verification to proceed.
  13. If required, makes hidden files visible.
  14. If required, creates directories exists.
  15. If required, changes the ownership of the install directory.
  16. If required, downloads and installs Homebrew.
  17. If required, updates prerequisites supplied by Homebrew.
  18. If required, downloads and installs prerequisites supplied by Homebrew.
  19. If required, renames previous FreeSWITCH™ source and runtime libraries to prevent changes.
  20. Performs git clone of FreeSWITCH™.
  21. Performs bootstrap and configure.
  22. Adds FLITE to modules.conf.
  23. Performs make, make install, make install sounds, and make clean.
  24. Prompts for testing selection.
  25. If testing, opens web pages to FreeSWITCH™ information and displays IP address and port for phone configuration.
  26. If testing, launches FreeSWITCH™ to test.


Still not convinced to use the macFI? Here is a bonus: Output from most terminal commands are separated and placed into a folder created on the desktop using a date and time stamp. Each of the following commands are logged:

  • Install or update Homebrew
  • Install and/or update prerequisites
  • Download and install FreeSWITCH™ source
  • bootstrap command
  • configure command
  • make command
  • make install command
  • make install sounds command
  • make clean


All of the software this procedure installs can be removed easily. However, to restore to a point where nothing was changed a backup is required.

Set Terminal Application Screen Size

macFI uses the macOS Terminal application extensively during installation. The default screen size is very small so it's recommended to increase it for readability by:

  1. Start the Terminal application in the Applications -> Utilities folder by double-clicking on it. Then open its preferences panel.
  2. In Settings–>Profiles–>Window change the Window Size to larger values such as 140x48 to reduce having to resize the window often.

If you plan to start FreeSWITCH™ from the Terminal command line often then you should place the Terminal application into the Dock for quick access.

Download and Install the macOS FreeSWITCH™ Installer It's incredibly easy to install, just follow this single step:

  1. Click on this link: macOS FreeSWITCH™ Installer, macOS will automatically download and unzip the file.

Running the macOS FreeSWITCH™ Installer

One-Time macOS Security Setting

The first time macFI is launched, macOS security settings must be added. After the first attempt to run, go to System Preferences Security and General settings, click allow macFI to run. Slot machine tricks. Restart macFI, additional System Preferences Security and Privacy settings are required as follows:

On macOS 10.14 Mojave and later: Under 'Privacy' click Accessibility and set the MacFI on. Additional one-time authorization prompts are required.

Prior to Mohave: Open System Preferences –> Security & Privacy and under General set to allow macFI to run after the first time it's launched.

You should not perform other functions while the installer is running, although the macFI will run correctly, the Terminal window may not display as intended.
You can rerun the installer anytime, even it it was stopped or failed. It will determine what is already installed.

Double-click the installer to start it. Just follow the prompts and answer a few questions!

Where to go Next

Force Switch Mac Os Download

Force Switch Mac Os Catalina

Instructions for starting and stopping FreeSWITCH™ are at macOS Testing and Diagnostics.

macFI Change History

August 7, 2020 Add Sofia and Spandsp prerequisites. Big Sur support. Other minor changes.
June 20, 2020 Homebrew install command changed. Replaced ruby install homebrew with bash install.
March 20, 2020 Add CFLAGS='-Wno-unused-function' temporarily. See Issue #176 and #518.

October 5, 2019 Change master and branch download location from to GitHub.
August 20, 2019 Change 'stable' and transcoding messages, remove -s from curl file download.
August 6, 2019 Replace download sed command with grep, handle file name change for FS 1.10.
July 27, 2019 Add ffmpeg and yasm prerequisite for video. Add option to exclude video transcoding and recording.
July 22, 2019 Add libpq prerequisite.
February 26, 2019 Add installation timers. Change download from .gz to .bz2. Minor message changes.
December 27, 2018 Add new libks and signalwire-c prerequisites. Change flite formula name.
September 30, 2018 Replace Terminal clear screen logic due to Mohave security. Update minimum macOS release support.
December 10, 2017 Remove Xcode, homebrew now installs Command Line Tools. Change remove Xcode option to remove CLT
July 13, 2017 Major update: Updates not required for FS release changes, auto find latest public release,
place VRM in messages, add stable branch download, add unsupported message.
June 24, 2017 Change /usr/local logic for 10.13 and compatibility, add show/hide invisible files, redo intro dialogs and wiki options,
add update function
March 24, 2017 Added libtiff prerequisite for spandsp.
January 4, 2017 Added speexdsp prerequisite.
September 17, 2016 Update Xcode URLs
September 15, 2016 Renamed, change path for new Homebrew, use active Xcode version, 10.11 get Xcode 7 from dev site.
July 17, 2016 Add testing only option, 10.10 get Xcode 7 from dev site, use Xcode beta if found,
allow bypass of open test calls wiki. Minor fixes.
February 26, 2016 Remove libvpx libyuv, replace nasm with yasm, change remove brew cache command.
November 26, 2015 Replace non-homebrew packages with homebrew since they are now available.
October 22, 2015 List names of prereqs. Other minor fixes.
October 16, 2015 Add FreeSWITCH™1.6, remove 1.4, update prerequisites add installation of non-homebrew packages.
October 3, 2015 Add change ownership logic for /usr/local, change 10.9 Xcode 6 download, remove 10.8 and Xcode 5 support.
November 5, 2014 Add Xcode 6.1 and Yosemite support. November 22, 2014 change URLs.
April 5, 2014 First released to the Wiki

broken image